Best Lead Auditor Certificate Course in Chennai

About Us

About Us

Industrial safety academy is organized but set of experienced professionals with a goal of providing quality training to improve the workplace health and safety culture. We offer health and safety trainings to industries, students and working professionals. 

We are focused on compliances of industry that obligates itself to follow international standards. And thereby we are providing ISO lead auditor courses in Chennai with international certification awarded by CQI and IRCA. Attending such training will provide not only the theoretical knowledge to the learners but also the chance to do it practically in their own workplace. Normally, all industries must follow legal rules and regulation compliances that are set by the government depending on the scale and nature of the organization’s work. So our training will provide the learners with ways to find out the compliances required by their organization, so that they can guide the organization in the right path towards safer workplace.

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When an industry is trying to comply with all the legal requirements related to its nature of work, it’s taking a step forward to improve its workplace safety culture. We are focused in making our learners understand these compliance requirements through training, therefore they can guide the industries for complying with all the regulations to build a safe workplace. 


We are providing both international and local certifications in health and safety. We also provide international certifications on lead auditor courses to furnish the knowledge of learners on ISO compliance systems and requirements. To achieve a safer workplace environment we believe, compliance monitoring and continual improvement is the best option. Hence, we will guide more and more learners as well as industries through training to understand the importance of compliance monitoring.